Whole Soul Mastery

#1 ~ Color The Magic: Soul Songs To Inspire The Amazing Epic Avatar In You ~ Songs 1-5

August 05, 2024 Whole Soul Mastery Season 1 Episode 1

I hope you enjoy a new series of Soul Songs that I’m creating, with a heart centered intention of Coloring More Magic and Music into the World. It is Humanity's Time to rise and embrace the Greatness and Goodness in this Divine Creation. Songs like these can help to elevate our frequencies so we can more easily and accessibly allow it in!

This video today is a compilation of the first 5 songs that I introduced in my most recent post: July/August 2024: Seeking & Embodying Truth, Courage, & Light, & Reviewing The Hero's Journey!

Thank you for joining me and please share with others who could use some inspiration today!

For more information, visit:
Marie's Website:

Color The Magic on YouTube:

Frequency Writer on Substack:

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