Whole Soul Mastery

#73 Live Well Live Whole: Joel Michael & Marie Mohler Discuss Quantum Time Space Reality & 4 Time Travel Shows

Whole Soul Mastery Episode 73

To donate to Marie, click here: https://buy.stripe.com/3csbIU4v8a52eR2aEE In Episode #73 of the Live Well Live Whole podcast series, Joel Michael joins Marie Mohler to talk about Quantum Time Space Reality, Timeline Jumping, and 4 Favorite Time Travel Shows! Sense8 is one of the shows that Marie spotlights. While there is some intense violence and sexual content in the Sense8 series, Marie aims to spotlight the deep sentient and spiritual connection within the "soul cluster." Please use your own discernment to determine if Sense8 (and the other 3 spotlighted shows) resonate for you. Join us as we delve deeper into the realms of timeline jumping, higher perception, and quantum space time continuums.  And please share this video with others who might resonate too!

For more information and to check out Marie's channeled messages, songs, and products,  please visit: https://frequencywriter.com​​​​
You can send email to:  info@frequencywriter.com

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If would like to support Marie's work directly, please send donations to: https://buy.stripe.com/3csbIU4v8a52eR2aEE

You can also mail donations to:
Marie Mohler/Whole Soul Mastery
400 S. Elliott Rd., Suite D259
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Every donation is appreciated! Thank you 🙏🏻 

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